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h3. Linux Installations

You can define a _username_ and _password_ for the CDP Server Web Interface before you can begin using the CDP Standard Edition.
{code}#r1soft-setup --user DESIRED_USERNAME --pass DESIRED_PASSWORD{code}
After running you will see output similar to:
{code}# r1soft-setup --user admin --pass r1soft
Server username and password set
The R1Soft CDP Server must be restarted for these changes to take effect
Use '/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart' to restart.{code}
Then restart the CDP server. See [Restarting CDP Server].

h3. Windows Installations

Using the "Reset User" function you can:
* Change the password of the existing CDP Server [user|Users and Groups] without entering the old password.
* Create a new user account for Windows CDP Server.

Follow the instructions below to use the "Reset User" function in [Windows CDP Configuration Utility|CDP3:About Windows CDP Configuration Utility].
1. Run the Windows CDP Configuration Utility by going to Start !arrow-transparent.gif! (All) Programs !arrow-transparent.gif! R1Soft CDP Backup !arrow-transparent.gif! CDP Configuration Utility.


2. Select the "Credentials" tab. This tab is shown by default.
|| Standard Edition | !credentials-tab-st.png! ||
|| Enterprise Edition | !credentials-tab-en.png! ||
3. Fill in the following fields:
* *Username* \- Enter login name of the existing user to reset the password. Enter a new login name to create a new user.
* *Password* \- Enter a password for the user account.
* *Verify* \- Repeat the password.


4. Click the "Apply" button to save the changes.


5. Once the user is reset successfully, you will see the confirmation message. Click "OK."


6. Now you must restart the CDP Server service for your changes to take effect. See [CDP3:Restarting CDP Server].

See also:
* [Configuring User Options] (Standard Edition)
* [CDP3:Adding Users] (Enterprise Edition)
* [CDP3:Editing User Properties] (Enterprise Edition)\\{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to reset user password or create a new CDP Server user using the Windows CDP Configuration Utility.{excerpt}