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In Server Backup Manager, disk safes can be kept in containers called volumes. You can easily give access to a volume to a group of people (i.e. customers, a department, etc.) who need to administer the backups on their own servers, without permitting those people to access another group’s disk safes. Groups can log in to the Backup Manager web interface to manage their own data protection.

On a physical level, a volume is simply a home directory for your disk safes. Volumes also provide the ability to give users and/or groups permission to access the disk safes within, as well as the ability to limit the amount of storage on your Backup Manager that the disk safes within are allowed to consume. This gives you tight control over who can access certain disk safes, and how much storage space those users' backups are able to consume.

Available volume actions

Product Configuration

A Server Backup administrator can configure the interface of the product to make it more accessible and easy to use. One of the available options is to make volumes inaccessible to certain users. For more information about limiting access to volumes, see Configure Product Features.

Section Content
  • Access volumesInstructions on how to access and use the Volumes list in Server Backup Manager.
  • Customize the Volumes listInstructions on how to hide and show columns, sort rows, manage items per page, and filter the Volumes list in Server Backup Manager.
  • Create volumesInstructions on how to create a new volume in Server Backup Manager.
  • Edit volumesInstructions on how to change volume properties in Server Backup Manager.
  • Import existing volumesInstructions on how to import an existing volume to Server Backup Manager.
  • Assign users and groups to volumesInstructions on how to assign users and groups to a volume in Server Backup Manager.
  • Remove volumesInstructions on how to remove volumes in Server Backup Manager.
  • Delete volumesInstructions on how to delete a volume in Server Backup Manager.
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