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View Page Historyh3. Obtaining Installing Hyper-V VHD Explorer
The *R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer* can be obtained via direct download from the Righteous Software website:
The following product should be downloaded:
* File name: *R1Soft-HyperV-Explorer-3.6.1.exe*
* File size: *0.99 MB*
The R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer is provided for free, no licenses need to be installed.
The following product should be downloaded:
* File name: *R1Soft-HyperV-Explorer-3.6.1.exe*
* File size: *0.99 MB*
The R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer is provided for free, no licenses need to be installed.
You can install the R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer on the following system:
* Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
* Editions: R2 Enterprise, R2 Standard, R2 Datacenter, R2 Web Server, R2 Server Foundation.
* Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
* Editions: R2 Enterprise, R2 Standard, R2 Datacenter, R2 Web Server, R2 Server Foundation.
h3. Installing Hyper-V VHD Explorer
To install the *R1Soft Hyper-V VHD Explorer*, follow the instructions below.