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3. The uninstall program stops CDP Server. It displays information about file removals and may list files that must be removed manually.
4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, R1Soft CDP Server Standard Edition is removed from your computer.{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to uninstall the Linux Standard Edition. {excerpt}
4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, R1Soft CDP Server Standard Edition is removed from your computer.{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to uninstall the Linux Standard Edition. {excerpt}
To remove R1Soft CDP Server Free Edition from your computer, follow the below steps.
{note:title=Notice}{*}RPM* _(RHE/CentOS/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva)_ and *APT* (_Debian/Ubunt{_}u) Linux distributions have different uninstallation processes.
h3. RPM/YUM-based Installations
1. Type the removal command and press <Enter>.
{code}rpm -e r1soft-cdp-server r1soft-setup r1soft-cdp-standard-edition r1soft-cdp-agent{code}
2. The uninstall program stops CDP Server. It displays information about file removals and may list files that must be removed manually.
3. Once the uninstallation process is complete, R1Soft CDP Server Free Edition is removed from your computer.
h3. DEB/APT-based Installations
1. Type the removal command and press <Enter>.
{code}apt-get remove r1soft-cdp-server r1soft-setup{code}
2. You will be asked to confirm the uninstallation. Type "Y" and press <Enter> to confirm.
{info:title=Tip}"Yes" is the default answer. To select it, press <Enter>.
3. The uninstall program stops CDP Server. It displays information about file removals and may list files that must be removed manually.
4. Once the uninstallation process is complete, R1Soft CDP Server Free Edition is removed from your computer.{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to uninstall the Linux Free Edition. {excerpt}{newversion}