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Current by Nathan McCoy
on Dec 15, 2015 12:20.

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Use the following topics to get more information about a specific function:
|| API || Action ||
| *[ServerBackup:addDevicesToDiskSafe]* | Add the entered device to the entered disk safe. Disk Safe. |
| *[ServerBackup:attachExistingDiskSafe]* | Attach the entered disk safe to Disk Safe to Server Backup. |
| *[ServerBackup:createDiskSafeWithObject]* | Create a disk safe on Disk Safe on the entered server. |
| *[ServerBackup:deleteDeviceFromDiskSafe]* | Delete a device from the entered server. |
| *[ServerBackup:getDiskSafeIDs]* | Retrieve identification for the disk safes Disk Safes on the host server. |
| *[ServerBackup:getDiskSafes]* | Retrieve the disk safes Disk Safes from the host server. |
| *[ServerBackup:getStoredDevicesForDiskSafe]* | Retrieve a list of devices linked to the entered disk safe. Disk Safe. |
| *[ServerBackup:updateDeviceListForDiskSafe]* | Update the list of devices linked to the entered disk safe. Disk Safe. |
| *[ServerBackup:updateDiskSafe]* | Update the disk safe with Disk Safe with the current value. |