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Current by Nathan McCoy
on Sep 12, 2016 12:06.

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Changes (3)

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2. In the *Default Language* field, you can set the default language for the entire Server Backup Manager interface. Available languages include English, Spanish, and Japanese. 

You can use the “Remember Me” option to save your language selection.
3. In the Protected Machines Timezone field, you can choose and set the time zone. There are numerous time zones listed in the drop-down menu with city and country names. The operating system's timezone is selected by default, but can be changed.

3. In the *Protected Machines Timezone* field, you can choose and set the time zone. There are numerous time zones listed in the drop-down menu with city and country names. The operating system's timezone is selected by default, but can be changed.

4. _(Optional)_ Select the *Remember Login Details* check box to save the username and language selection on the main _Login_ screen.