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Version 7 by Nathan McCoy
on Mar 22, 2017 14:31.

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Changes (4)

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| User Type | Displays the type of account associated with the user. User types include *Super-User*, *Power-User*, and *Sub-User*. |
| E-mail Address | Displays the email address associated with the user account. |
| Groups | Displays the total number of groups to which the user account is assigned. _(This column only displays if Group-based Administration is enabled in the_ _[ServerBackupManager:Product Features]_ _screen.)_ |
| Sub-Users | Displays the total number of Sub-User or child user accounts assigned to the administrator or parent user account. |
| Administrators | Displays the total number of administrator or parent user accounts assigned to the Sub-User or child user account. |
The Details pane of the _Users_ screen provides detailed information about the user account selected in the user list. To view additional details about a user, click the corresponding *>* icon in the far left column. Depending on the type of user account selected, Server Backup Manager displays up to six tabs. The following tabs are available:
* *Details*. _(All user accounts)_ Displays additional details about the selected user account. For Power-Users and Sub-Users, this tab also displays the total number of groups, administrators (_Sub-User only_), Sub-User accounts (_Power-User only_), volumes, and servers associated with the account.
* *Groups*. _(Power-User accounts only)_ Displays a list of the groups to which the user account belongs.
* *Groups*. _(Power-User accounts only)_ Displays a list of the groups to which the user account belongs. _(This column only displays if Group-based Administration is enabled in the __[ServerBackupManager:Product Features]__ screen.)_
* *Sub-Users*. _(Power-User accounts only)_ Displays a list of the Sub-User accounts associated with the user account. You can have Sub-User accounts that do not have associated administrator accounts.
* *Volumes*. _(Power-user and Super-user accounts only)_ Displays a list of the volumes to which the user account has access.
h5. {color:#000000}{*}Groups tab{*}{color}

_Note: This tab only displays if Group-based Administration is enabled in the __[ServerBackupManager:Product Features]__ screen._

The _Groups_ tab of the Details pane provides a list of the groups to which the selected user account belongs. For more information about the relationship between users and groups, see [ServerBackupManager:Groups].