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- *Add a machine*. Add a new machine to the system by clicking the *+ Add Machine* button. After adding a machine you can define the machine properties. For more information about defining the machine properties, see [ServerBackupManager:Add Protected Machines to Backup Manager].
- *Perform a basic search for protected machines*. You can perform a basic search for any of the protected machines on your system by entering the search criteria in the _Search_ field and clicking the *Search* button. For more information about searching for protected machines, see [Customize the Protected Machines list].
- *Apply advanced filters to the protected machines list*. You can further customize the view of the Servers Protected Machines list and apply all possible advanced filter criteria. For more information about advanced search filters, see [Customize the Protected Machines list].
- *Clear all filters*. _Appears only when a filter is in use._ To cancel filter settings and show all records in the protected machines list, click the *Clear Filter* button.

h3. Using the Protected Machines list

SBM displays all of the machines in your system in a list on the _Protected Machines_ page. You have the ability to organize information, such as filtering out the items you do not want to view. For more information about the settings available for your server protected machine list, see [Customize the Protected Machines list].

If you have many servers protected machines in your Server Backup Manager environment, you can use the paging feature to quickly access specific servers. machines. Use the&nbsp;*Prev*&nbsp;and&nbsp;*Next*&nbsp;buttons to page forward and backward, or click the&nbsp;*First*&nbsp;and&nbsp;*Last*&nbsp;buttons to jump to the first page or last page.&nbsp;You can also type the number of items you want to view per page in the *Items Per Page* field, and then press *<Enter>*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.

h4. Understanding the columns in the Protected Machines list
h4. Page navigation

The page navigation pane allows you to divide the list of servers protected machines into pages by specifying the desired number of items per page. Server Backup Manager provides the following buttons and fields to navigate from one page to another.
* *First*. Opens the first page.
* *Previous*. Opens the previous page.
* *Next*. Opens the next page.
* *Last*. Opens the last page.
* *Items Per Page*. Displays the number of items per page that you want to appear in the Servers Protected Machines list. SBM remembers your settings. By default, SBM displays 10 items per page. *{_}If you want to see a different number of items per page{_}*, type the appropriate number, and then press *<Enter>*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.
