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h3. Using the Disk Safes list

SBM displays all of the Disk Safes in your system in a list on the Disk Safes window. Select a Disk Safe to view additional detail about that record in the Details pane.You have the ability to organize information, such as filtering out the items you do not want to view. Sort items, limit the number of items displayed per page, and specify which columns you want to display all using the controls on the user list. For more information about the settings available for your Disk Safes list, see [ServerBackup:Customize the Disk Safes list].
SBM displays all of the Disk Safes in your system in a list on the Disk Safes window. Click the corresponding *>* icon for a Disk Safe to view additional details in the Details pane.

You can see the column headings by hovering the mouse pointer over the column heading without clicking the heading, and SBM displays a tool tip.
If you have many Disk Safes in your Server Backup Manager environment, you can use the paging feature to quickly access specific Disk Safes. Use the&nbsp;*Prev*&nbsp;and&nbsp;*Next*&nbsp;buttons to page forward and backward, or click the&nbsp;*First*&nbsp;and&nbsp;*Last*&nbsp;buttons to jump to the first page or last page.&nbsp;You can also type the number of items you want to view per page in the&nbsp;*Items Per Page*&nbsp;field, and then press&nbsp;*<Enter>*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.

h4. Understanding the Disk Safes list columns
|| Column Name || Description ||
| Checkbox | Allows you to select several Disk Safes at once. |
| State | Displays the current Disk Safe&nbsp;status. If the icon is green, then the Disk Safe&nbsp;is open. The red icon is used displays for closed Disk Safes. |
| Name | Displays the name of the Disk Safe. |
| Server Name | Displays the name of the server. |
| Server Host Name | Displays the IP address of the server. |
| Path | Displays the path where the Disk Safe&nbsp;is physically located if the Disk Safe&nbsp;is not assigned to the volume. For example, {{C:\Disk_Safe.}} |
| Machine Name | Displays the name of the protected machine. |
| Volume Name | Displays the associated volume name if the Disk Safe&nbsp;is assigned to the volume. |
| Recovery Points | Displays the number of recovery points in the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. For closed Disk Safes, SBM displays an offline message. For more information about recovery points, see [Manage recovery points]. |
| Devices | Displays the number of devices assigned to the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. For closed Disk Safes, SBM displays an offline message. For more information about devices, see [Manage devices]. |
| Recovery Points | Displays the number of recovery points in the Disk Safe. For more information about recovery points, see [Manage recovery points]. |
| On Disk Size | Displays the disk space occupied by the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. |
| Deltas | Displays the disk space occupied by the deltas. Instead of the column heading, an icon displays. |
| Ratio | Displays the ratio of On Disk Size by size of deltas. The amount is rounded down to the nearest whole number. For example, if the on disk size is 500 GB and the delta size is 249 GB, the ratio displayed is 2. If the ratio displayed is 3 or greater, the user may consider vacuuming. Instead of the column heading, an icon displays. |
| Auto Add | Indicates whether the *Auto Add Devices* function is enabled. |
| Compression | Displays the compression level set for the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. Possible values include *ZLib Low*, *ZLib Medium*, *ZLib High*, *QuickLZ*, or *NONE*. |
| Encryption | Displays the encryption used for the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. You can assign an AES 256-bit encryption to the Disk Safe. In this case, SBM asks you to create a password. If you choose to encrypt a Disk Safe, you must provide a password to perform the following actions: browse files, browse control panel users, browse databases, and initiate a bare-metal restore. |
| Quota Type | Displays the quota type used for the Disk Safe. Instead of the column heading, SBM displays an icon. The available quota types include *On Disk Size*, *Deltas in Disk Safe*, and *NONE*. |
| Quotas | Displays the quota used for the disk type. You can define a *Soft Quota* and a *Hard Quota* in the Edit Disk Safe window. The *Hard Quota* must be larger than the *Soft Quota*, and no maximum limitation exists. \\ |
| Fragmentation Ratio | Displays the ratio of On-Disk Size to&nbsp;size of deltas. The amount is rounded down to the nearest whole number. For example, if the on-disk size is 500 GB and the delta size is 249 GB, the ratio displayed is 2. If the ratio displayed is 3 or greater, the user may consider vacuuming. |
| Actions | Allows you to manage the corresponding Disk Safe. These options include:
* *Open Recovery Points*. Displays a list of recovery points for the Disk Safe in the _Recovery Points_ window.
* *Edit Disk Safe*. Allows you to make changes to the associated Disk Safe&nbsp;using the Properties window. For more information about editing a Disk Safe, see [Edit Disk Safes|Edit Disk Safes].
* *Manage Devices*. Allows you to assign new device(s) or remove the assigned device(s). For more information about managing your devices, see [Add devices], [Remove devices], [Disable devices].
* *Vacuum*. Enables you to reduce the on-disk size. This may also increase the internal fragmentation and make the Disk Safe&nbsp;slower in the future. For more information about vacuuming a Disk Safe,&nbsp;see [Vacuum Disk Safes|Vacuum Disk Safes].
* *Detach Disk Safe*. Detaching a Disk Safe&nbsp;will delete all configured tasks and historical task information, but the Disk Safe&nbsp;and all backed-up data will remain on the disk. For more information about detaching a Disk Safe, see&nbsp;[Detach Disk Safes|Detach Disk Safes].
* *Close*. Allows you to disable the Disk Safe. You need to close the Disk Safe&nbsp;before removing it. For more information about closing a Disk Safe, see [Close Disk Safes|Close Disk Safes].
* *Detach*. Detaching a Disk Safe&nbsp;will delete all configured tasks and historical task information, but the Disk Safe&nbsp;and all backed-up data will remain on the disk. For more information about detaching a Disk Safe, see [Detach Disk Safes|Detach Disk Safes].
* *Delete Disk Safe*. Deleting a Disk Safe&nbsp;will remove all recovery points and stored data for all devices associated with the Disk Safe. For more information about deleting a Disk Safe, see [Delete Disk Safes|Delete Disk Safes]. |
h4. List buttons

The buttons at the top of the Disk Safes list allow you to work with one or several items selected in the Disk Safes list. You must check select the box(es) check boxes for the item(s) items you want to manage before clicking on one of the following buttons:
- *Edit Selected*. Allows you to edit the properties of several selected Disk Safes at once. The items can be selected by selecting the appropriate check- boxes. See [Edit Disk Safes|Edit Disk Safes].
- *Vacuum Selected*. Once one or several closed Disk Safes are checked in the list, this button allows you to reduce the on-disk size. See [Vacuum Disk Safes|Vacuum Disk Safes].
- *Open Selected*. Once one or several closed Disk Safes are checked in the list, this button allows you to open the selected Disk Safes. See [Attach Disk Safes|Attach Disk Safes].
- *Detach Selected*. Once one or several closed Disk Safes are checked in the list, this button allows you to detach the Disk Safe&nbsp;configuration from this Backup Manager. See [Detach Disk Safes|Detach Disk Safes].

h4. Page navigation
h3. Using the Details pane

The pages navigation pane allows you to divide the list of Disk Safes into pages by specifying the desired number of items per page. Server Backup Manager provides the following buttons and fields to navigate from one page to another.
* *Arrows*. Scrolls between pages.
** *First*. Opens the first page.
** *Previous*. Opens the previous page.
** *Next*. Opens the next page.
** *Last*. Opens the last page.
* *Page number*. Type the page number, and then press *<Enter>* to go to a specific page. SBM displays the total number of existing pages in this pane.
* *Items Per Page*. Displays the number of items per page that you want to appear in the Disk Safes list. SBM remembers your settings. By default, SBM displays 10 items per page. *{_}If you want to see a different number of items per page{_}*, type the appropriate number, and then press *<Enter>*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.

h3. Using the Details pane

This pane provides detailed information about the objects associated with the Disk Safe selected in the list. The following tabs are available:
* *Statistics*

h4. Settings Tab !Disk Safes - Details - Settings.png|border=1!
h4. Settings Tab

!Disk Safes - Details - Settings.png|border=1!
