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Version 4 by Nathan McCoy
on Mar 29, 2017 14:34.

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The _Edit Verification Schedule_ window displays.

4. In this window, you can define the frequency and start time for the Disk Safe verification. There are five options available: on demand, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. You can set the specific time for the verification process depending on the selected trigger. !Edit Verification Schedule - Weekly.png|border=1!
* *On Demand* \- If you select the "On Demand" option, the verification will not start automatically. You can run it manually at any desired time.
4. In this window, you can define the frequency and start time for the Disk Safe verification. There are five options available in the *Verification Frequency* field: _On Demand_, _Daily_, _Weekly_, _Monthly_, and _Yearly_. You can set the specific time for the verification process depending on the selected trigger.

!Edit Verification Schedule window_On Demand.png! - Weekly.png!
* *On Demand* \- The verification will not start automatically. You can run the Disk Safe verification manually at any desired time.
* *Daily* \- The verification runs on a daily schedule. You can select the starting minute and hour in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched every day at that time.
!Edit Verification Schedule - Daily.png!
* *Weekly* \- The verification runs on a weekly schedule. You can select the start time and days in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched every week at that time. _(Refer to the screenshot at the beginning of Step 4 for an example of a Weekly schedule.)_
* *Monthly* \- The verification runs on a monthly schedule. You can select the start time and the exact days of the month in the corresponding fields. The verification will be launched at that time.

* *Daily*
!Edit Verification Schedule - Monthly.png!
* *Yearly* \- The verification runs on a yearly schedule. Select the start time and months of the year in the corresponding fields.

!Edit Verification Schedule window_Daily.png!
You can select the starting minute and hour(s). The verification will be launched every day at that time.
!Edit Verification Schedule - Yearly.png|border=1!

* *Weekly*

!Edit Verification Schedule window_Weekly.png!
You can select the start time and day(s). The verification will be launched every week at that time.

* *Monthly*

!Edit Verification Schedule window_Monthly.png!\|
You can select the start time and the exact day(s) of the month. The verification will be launched at that time.

5. Click "OK" *OK* to apply the settings. The Disk Safe verification schedule is set.

!Edit Verification Schedule window_OK button.png!
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to schedule Disk Safe verification in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}