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76. Alternatively, select the *Backup All Databases* check box. All databases will be discovered and backed up automatically.

{info:title=Reference}SQL Server databases use two types of files:
* LDF - Contains the logs.{info}

8. Go to the "Advanced Policy Settings" tab.
Then go to the _Advanced Policy Settings_ tab of the _Edit Policy_ window and select the *Multi-Volume Snapshot* check box. If the SQL Server has files across more than one device, and the _Multi-Volume Snapshot_ option is not selected, the system displays an alert message.

* *Multi-Volume Snapshot* \- This option can be useful if the MS SQL Server has files across more than one Device. The check-box is hidden on Linux policies and *un-checked by default* on new and upgraded Windows policies.
7. Once the database instances have been added to the Policy, click the *Create* button. You can also click the *Create and Run* button to create the policy and run it immediately.

{info:title=Note}If the SQL Server has files across more than one device, and the "Multi-Volume Snapshot" option is not selected, then the system displays an alert message.{info}
The Policy will be displayed in the Policies list.

!Create New Policy_Advanced Policy Settings tab_Multi-Volume Snapshot selected_English.png!

9. Once the database instances have been added to the Policy, click "Create".

!Create New Policy_Create button_2_English.png!

You can also click the "Create and run" button. In this case your Policy will be created and ran immediately.

!Create New Policy_Create and run button_2_English.png!

10. The Policy will be displayed in the list.

!Policies List_Policy with SQL Instance_English.png!

11. Once the Policy has been started and successfully completed, you will be able to view a Task Summary that looks like this:


See also [Restore an MS SQL Server to the original location].

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to backup MS SQL Server database(s) in your Server Backup Enterprise and Advanced.{excerpt}


Follow the instructions outlined below to protect one or more MS SQL Server instance per Server.

h4. Configuring Disk Safe Tips

1. Make sure all file systems for databases are available for replication.

If any file systems for databases are not protected by Disk Safe settings and Devices found, then the system displays an alert message.

2. Ensure that the SQL Server VSS Writer is included in the snapshot.

h4. Creating and Running a Policy

1. In the "Policy Settings" tab, select the Server where your MS SQL Server is installed.

!Create New Policy_Server with SQL installed selected_2_English.png!

2. In the "SQL Server" tab, click on the "Discover Instances" button to look for SQL instances on the Server.

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances button_English.png!

You can see the following message in those cases when no Instances were found.

!Edit Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_warning message_English.png!

3. The system connects to the MS SQL Server and obtains a list of databases and corresponding .{{mdf}}/.{{ldf}} files. The activity can be seen from the "Processing" message. 

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_Processing message_(not resized)_English.png!

4. When the Processing is done you can add individual instances for replication by selecting them from the drop-down menu.

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_Instance in dropdown menu_English.png!

5. Then click the "Add" button.

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_Instance in dropdown menu_Add button_English.png!

6. Once the Instances have been added you can see it in this window below.
!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_Discovered Instance added_English.png!

The "Delete" icon can be used hereafter to delete Instance.

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Discover Instances_Discovered Instance added_Delete icon_English.png!

7. Alternatively, check the "Backup All Databases" option as shown below. In this case all databases will be discovered and backed up automatically.

!Create New Policy_SQL Server tab_Backup All Databases selected_English.png!

{info:title=Reference}SQL Server databases use two types of files:
* MDF - Known as the primary database file, contains the schema and data.
* LDF - Contains the logs.{info}

8. Go to the "Advanced Policy Settings" tab.

* *Multi-Volume Snapshot* \- This option can be useful if the MS SQL Server has files across more than one Device. The check-box is hidden on Linux policies and *un-checked by default* on new and upgraded Windows policies.

{info:title=Note}If the SQL Server has files across more than one device, and the "Multi-Volume Snapshot" option is not selected, then the system displays an alert message.{info}

!Create New Policy_Advanced Policy Settings tab_Multi-Volume Snapshot selected_2_English.png!

9. Once the database instances have been added to the Policy, click "Create".

!Create New Policy_Create button_2_English.png!

You can also click the "Create and run" button. In this case your Policy will be created and ran immediately.

!Create New Policy_Create and run button_2_English.png!

10. The Policy will be displayed in the list.

!Policies List_Policy with SQL Instance_2_English.png!

11. Once the Policy has been started and successfully completed, you will be able to view a Task Summary that looks like this:


See also [Restoring MS SQL Server to Original Location].

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to backup MS SQL Server database(s) in your Server Backup Enterprise and Advanced.{excerpt}