Version 1 by Nathan McCoy
on Jul 08, 2016 17:06.

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Version 2 by Nathan McCoy
on May 24, 2017 16:27.

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Follow the instructions below to access Recovery Points via the Server Backup interface. The _Recovery Points_ window in SBM allows you to view browse, merge, restore, or lock your recovery points. You can access all the functions you need to manage your recovery points by navigating to the _Protected Machines_ page, clicking the _Actions_ icon for a specific machine, and selecting *Open Recovery Points*. The _Recovery Points_ window will display a list of recovery points for the corresponding machine.

1. Click "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" window.
You can also access the Recovery Points page manually by adding */RecoveryPoints/* to the Backup Manager address in your Web browser address bar, such as _http:// . Note that the address is case sensitive.

{info:title=Tip}You can access the "Recovery Points" window by manually appending the {{/RecoveryPoints/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar. Example []. Note that the address is case sensitive.

2. In the "Recovery Points" list, select a Server from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
!Recovery Points_Enterprise_Server selection_English.png!
3. Select a Disk Safe from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.
!Recovery Points_Enterprise_Disk Safe selection_English.png!
The "Recovery Points" window is divided into the following areas:
- *Devices* \- Devices that where replicated to the Recovery Point.
- *Archived* \- Means that this Recovery Point has already been archived. See [Access archive points], [Run archive policies].
- *Multi-Volume Snapshot* \-This option can be useful if the MS SQL Server has files across more than one Device. The check-box is hidden on Linux Policies and un-checked by default on new and upgraded Windows Policies. {info:title=Note}
If the SQL Server has files across more than one Device, and the "Multi-Volume Snapshot" option is not selected, then the system displays an alert message.
* *State* \- Graphically indicates the Device state (Incomplete, Complete, Error, Merged, etc.)
* *Type* \- Last Synch Type (Initial Replica, Replication or Block Scan).
* *Mount Point* \- A mount point is a directory (typically an empty one) in the currently accessible [filesystem|] on which an additional filesystem is mounted (i.e., logically attached). For more information see [Mount Point|]. {info:title=Note}
For example, for Windows systems, a Mount Point can be shown as follows:
\\ !Recovery Points Details_Enterprise_Devices tab_Mount Point for Windows_English.png!
* *Software RAID* *Arrays* *\-* The list of Software RAID (for Linux only).
* *LVM Volume Groups -* The list of LVM (for Linux only).
{info:title=Tip} Click on the plus sign to see the details.