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{info:title=Tip}You can fin the information about Pooled Licensing [here|]


In the [client portal|], click on the "License Pools" menu item.

!agents xer 1-.jpg|align=left!\\

!Licence Pools 1.png|border=1!\\
h4. Step 2

Select the License Pool containing the agents you need transferred (if you have more than one).

!agents xer 2.jpg|align=left!
!Licence Pools 2.png|border=1!

h4. Step 3

!agents xer 3.jpg|align=left!
!Licence Pools 3.png|border=1!

h4. Step 4

!agents xer 4-2.jpg|align=left!\\

!Licence Pools 4.png|border=1!\\
h4. Step 5

!agents xer 5.jpg|align=left!
!Licence Pools 5.png|border=1!


{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to transfer agents in Pooled License.{excerpt}