With CDP Enterprise and Advanced Editions, you can manage users and designate their permissions for browsing, backup and restore. There are three types of users based on their permissions:
* *Super-users* \- A special user account used for system administration. Super-user has full privileges.
* *Power-users* \- A special user account which is allowed to utilize the most of advanced featured. Power-user's permissions are configurable.
* *Sub-user* \- A special user account with restricted permissions. Sub-user's permissions are configurable and lay in bounds of Power-user's permissions.
Power-users, sub-users and groups can be enabled/disabled in CDP Configuration. See [Configuring Product Features].
The permissions are described further.
{info:title=Tip CDP Standard Edition}In CDP Standard Edition there are only super-users. They are added via CDP Configuration Utility. See [Setting CDP Server Users].
You can change administrator's name and password in Configuration. See [Configuring User Options].
h3. Super-users
A super-user has complete control over the CDP Server. A super-user can access and configure *anything* in the server. His/her permissions cannot be changed.
{info:title=Tip}In organizations, super-user accounts are often provided for authorized experienced individuals.
h6. Super-users and users/groups
The super-user creates power-users and sub-users and grants them permissions to use the various resources in the CDP Server.
All the users and groups in the server are visible for super-users.
{info:title=Note}Super-users should not be treated as power-users as super-users are not allowed to be added to groups or be assigned permissions on Agents or Volumes or be administrators of sub-users.
h6. Super-users and Volumes/Disk Safes
Super-user can create, edit, delete, import [Volumes]. Only super-user can remove a Disk Safe.
h6. Super-users and Agents
Only a super-user can change the owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents].
h3. Power-users
h6. Power-users and users/groups
Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate sub-users.
Power-users can not assign permissions to their sub-users if they do not have these permissions themselves.
{info:title=Note}The number of sub-users assigned to a power-user is unlimited if it is not restricted in the power-user settings.
A power-user can see only groups that he/she belongs to and sub-users that he owns.
h6. Power-users and Volumes/Disk Safes
Power-users or groups can have the following permissions on [Volumes]:
* Create Disk Safes in the Volume
* Close Disk Safes in the Volume
* Delete Disk Safes in the Volume
* Change a Disk Safe's Agent Assignment
* Change a Disk Safe's Quota
* Vacuum a Disk Safe
Power-users can see (not edit) Volumes they have permission on. Path of Volume is hidden.
{info:title=Note}Sub-users and power-users do *not need* Volume permissions to restore or browse files or edit Disk Safe settings.
h6. Power-users and Agents
Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate Agents.
A power-user can be an Owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents]. A power-user that creates an Agent is an owner by default.
{info:title=Note}A power-user can own an unlimited number of Agents and MySQL Add-ons if it is not restricted in the power-user settings.
The Owner has a full configurable set of Agent permissions. A power-user can have the following permissions on Agent (permissions can be activated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the User properties window):
* Edit Agent
* Edit Policies
* Edit Agent's Users
* Edit Disk Safe:
** Change name and description of the Disk Safe
** Change Compression Type
** Edit Devices and Device Settings
** Change Encryption Passphrase
** Manage Recovery Points (Merge Recovery Points and Lock/Unlock Recovery Points)
h6. Power-users and Restore
A power-user can have the following restore permissions (permissions can be activated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the User properties window):
* Browse Files
* Download Files (force checks browse files)
* Restore Files (force checks browse files)
* Bare-Metal Restore
* Control Panel Restore (force checks browse files)
* MySQL Restore
h3. Sub-users
Sub-users can have only one Administrator (an Owner). It is not allowed to create sub-users with multiple Administrators.
{info:title=Note}Only a power-user can be an Owner of a sub-user.
Sub-users can not have permissions that their power-user owners do not have.
Groups and other users are not visible for sub-users.
h3. Groups
A group contains a collection of power-users to apply its permissions to. A group is granted permissions the same as a power-user. Power-users can belong to more than one group.
{info:title=Note}Only power-users can be members of groups.
A power-user's permissions are the culmination of their user-level permissions, plus all of their group permissions.
In case a group has not been granted any permissions, but a specific power-user in that group has these very permissions, then the power-user still has these permissions.
If a group has been granted full-control access on an agent, but a specific power-user in that group has permissions set on that agent that are less than full-control, then the group permissions will be used.
If a power-user belongs to multiple groups, and two or more of those groups have permissions set on the same resource (i.e. agent), then the most liberal group-level permissions are applied. If one group has less than full-control access, but another group has full-control, the power-user will be granted full-control access.
{card:label=Section Contents}
{card:label=PDF Downloads}
[!ug-a.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187691|CDP Advanced Edition User Guide ]
[!ug-s.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187675|CDP Standard Edition User Guide]
[!ug-e.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187702|CDP Enterprise Edition User Guide]
{deck}{excerpt:hidden=true}General information about users and user groups in CDP Enterprise Edition.{excerpt}
* *Super-users* \- A special user account used for system administration. Super-user has full privileges.
* *Power-users* \- A special user account which is allowed to utilize the most of advanced featured. Power-user's permissions are configurable.
* *Sub-user* \- A special user account with restricted permissions. Sub-user's permissions are configurable and lay in bounds of Power-user's permissions.
Power-users, sub-users and groups can be enabled/disabled in CDP Configuration. See [Configuring Product Features].
The permissions are described further.
{info:title=Tip CDP Standard Edition}In CDP Standard Edition there are only super-users. They are added via CDP Configuration Utility. See [Setting CDP Server Users].
You can change administrator's name and password in Configuration. See [Configuring User Options].
h3. Super-users
A super-user has complete control over the CDP Server. A super-user can access and configure *anything* in the server. His/her permissions cannot be changed.
{info:title=Tip}In organizations, super-user accounts are often provided for authorized experienced individuals.
h6. Super-users and users/groups
The super-user creates power-users and sub-users and grants them permissions to use the various resources in the CDP Server.
All the users and groups in the server are visible for super-users.
{info:title=Note}Super-users should not be treated as power-users as super-users are not allowed to be added to groups or be assigned permissions on Agents or Volumes or be administrators of sub-users.
h6. Super-users and Volumes/Disk Safes
Super-user can create, edit, delete, import [Volumes]. Only super-user can remove a Disk Safe.
h6. Super-users and Agents
Only a super-user can change the owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents].
h3. Power-users
h6. Power-users and users/groups
Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate sub-users.
Power-users can not assign permissions to their sub-users if they do not have these permissions themselves.
{info:title=Note}The number of sub-users assigned to a power-user is unlimited if it is not restricted in the power-user settings.
A power-user can see only groups that he/she belongs to and sub-users that he owns.
h6. Power-users and Volumes/Disk Safes
Power-users or groups can have the following permissions on [Volumes]:
* Create Disk Safes in the Volume
* Close Disk Safes in the Volume
* Delete Disk Safes in the Volume
* Change a Disk Safe's Agent Assignment
* Change a Disk Safe's Quota
* Vacuum a Disk Safe
Power-users can see (not edit) Volumes they have permission on. Path of Volume is hidden.
{info:title=Note}Sub-users and power-users do *not need* Volume permissions to restore or browse files or edit Disk Safe settings.
h6. Power-users and Agents
Power-users can be allowed to create and administrate Agents.
A power-user can be an Owner of an [Agent|CDP Agents]. A power-user that creates an Agent is an owner by default.
{info:title=Note}A power-user can own an unlimited number of Agents and MySQL Add-ons if it is not restricted in the power-user settings.
The Owner has a full configurable set of Agent permissions. A power-user can have the following permissions on Agent (permissions can be activated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the User properties window):
* Edit Agent
* Edit Policies
* Edit Agent's Users
* Edit Disk Safe:
** Change name and description of the Disk Safe
** Change Compression Type
** Edit Devices and Device Settings
** Change Encryption Passphrase
** Manage Recovery Points (Merge Recovery Points and Lock/Unlock Recovery Points)
h6. Power-users and Restore
A power-user can have the following restore permissions (permissions can be activated by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the User properties window):
* Browse Files
* Download Files (force checks browse files)
* Restore Files (force checks browse files)
* Bare-Metal Restore
* Control Panel Restore (force checks browse files)
* MySQL Restore
h3. Sub-users
Sub-users can have only one Administrator (an Owner). It is not allowed to create sub-users with multiple Administrators.
{info:title=Note}Only a power-user can be an Owner of a sub-user.
Sub-users can not have permissions that their power-user owners do not have.
Groups and other users are not visible for sub-users.
h3. Groups
A group contains a collection of power-users to apply its permissions to. A group is granted permissions the same as a power-user. Power-users can belong to more than one group.
{info:title=Note}Only power-users can be members of groups.
A power-user's permissions are the culmination of their user-level permissions, plus all of their group permissions.
In case a group has not been granted any permissions, but a specific power-user in that group has these very permissions, then the power-user still has these permissions.
If a group has been granted full-control access on an agent, but a specific power-user in that group has permissions set on that agent that are less than full-control, then the group permissions will be used.
If a power-user belongs to multiple groups, and two or more of those groups have permissions set on the same resource (i.e. agent), then the most liberal group-level permissions are applied. If one group has less than full-control access, but another group has full-control, the power-user will be granted full-control access.
{card:label=Section Contents}
{card:label=PDF Downloads}
[!ug-a.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187691|CDP Advanced Edition User Guide ]
[!ug-s.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187675|CDP Standard Edition User Guide]
[!ug-e.png!|http://wiki.r1soft.com/spaces/flyingpdf/pdfpageexport.action?pageId=22187702|CDP Enterprise Edition User Guide]
{deck}{excerpt:hidden=true}General information about users and user groups in CDP Enterprise Edition.{excerpt}