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By assigning Users/Groups to a Volume, you give them permission to use the resources of that Volume. To provide access to Disk Safes, the User/Group must be assigned to the Volume where the Disk Safes are kept.
{info:title=Note}If you have Disk Safes not assigned to any Volume, then Normal Users will not access this Disk Safe, but the Disk Safe's Policies/Tasks will be available to them.
The Normal User assigned to the Volume does not see the "Volumes" folder in the Main Menu. But depending on the permissions, the User/Group may access/manipulate the following objects relating to the Volume:
* *Servers* (assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Disk Safes for Server* (the Disk Safes are assigned to the Volume)
* *Policies for Server* (the Policies are assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Server's Recovery Points* (the Server is assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Server's Users and Tasks*

The following scheme visually presents relations between objects in the system:

{info:title=Tip}Make sure the assigned Users/Groups have the necessary Servers assigned. Otherwise, the Users/Groups cannot access data relating to the Volume and these Servers.

!Edit User_Servers tab_permissions outlined_English.png!
{note:title=Notice}To assign Users to a Volume, you must be a Super User.
{info:title=Note}The User to which you want to assign the Volume must already be created.
You can assign Users/Groups to the Volume while creating the Volume or after it exists in the system. And you can assign Volumes to a User in the User's properties window while creating or editing a User.

You can see assigned Users/Groups in the Volume properties window and in the "Details" pane located on the bottom of the "Volumes" screen. You can see Volumes assigned to the User in the User's properties window and on the bottom of the "Users" screen.

Follow the instructions below to assign Users/Groups to an already created Volume.

1. Click "Volumes" in the Main Menu to access the "Volumes" page.

2. In the "Volumes" list, find the Volume you need and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this Volume.

!Volumes list_Edit icon_English.png!

{info:title=Note}To find a Volume, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Volumes list].

3. The "Edit Volume" window will open.

!Edit Volume_Identification tab_2_English.png!

4. To assign Group(s) to the Volume, switch to the "Groups" tab.

!Edit Volume_Groups tab_empty_English.png!

Select a Group name from the drop-down menu and click on the "Add" icon.

!Edit Volume_Groups tab_Add button_English.png!

{info:title=Note}If you need to remove an assigned group from the Volume properties window, click on the "Delete" (red X) icon in front of the group.

5. To assign User(s) to the Volume, switch to the "Users" tab.

!Edit Volume_Users tab_empty_English.png!

Select a User name from the drop-down menu and click on the "Add" icon.

!Edit Volume_Users tab_Add button_English.png!

{info:title=Note}If you need to remove an assigned user from the Volume properties window, click on the "Delete" (red X) icon in front of the user.

6. Click on "Save" to save the changes.

!Edit Volume_Save button_English.png!

\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to assign users and groups to a volume in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}