R1Soft strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your backup needs. The following solutions are frequently requested or provided to users:
h2. How to install the Backup Agent:
* [Install Backup Agent on Linux]
* [Install Backup Agent on Windows]
h2. How to use pooled licensing
[Add pooled licenses|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/R1SL/Adding+Pooled+Licenses]
h2. How to copy and move disk safes
[Copy or move Disk Safes]
h2. Understanding disk safe best practices
[Use Disk Safe best practices]
h2. About bare-metal restores
[Perform a bare-metal restore|Perform a bare-metal restore]
{excerpt:hidden=true}Provides a list of commonly-requested solutions for Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}
h2. How to install the Backup Agent:
* [Install Backup Agent on Linux]
* [Install Backup Agent on Windows]
h2. How to use pooled licensing
[Add pooled licenses|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/R1SL/Adding+Pooled+Licenses]
h2. How to copy and move disk safes
[Copy or move Disk Safes]
h2. Understanding disk safe best practices
[Use Disk Safe best practices]
h2. About bare-metal restores
[Perform a bare-metal restore|Perform a bare-metal restore]
{excerpt:hidden=true}Provides a list of commonly-requested solutions for Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}