A Server Backup Manager administrator can enable hosting control panels using the user interface.
In cases when the Hosting Control Panels feature is disabled, the Control Panels tab while [creating|ServerBackup:Create policies] or [editing|ServerBackup:Edit policies] policies is absent.
{info:title=Tip}You can enable or disable the control panel feature for the volume ("Limits" tab of Volume properties window). Read more in [ServerBackup:Create volumes].
The "Hosting Control Panels" feature is enabled *by default*. Follow the instructions below in cases when this feature was disabled.
Follow the instructions below to enable hosting control panels.
1. In the Main menu, click *Advanced Options*.
2. In the Advanced Options menu, click *Product Features*. Server Backup Manager displays the Product Features window as shown in the following image.
3. Check *Enable Hosting Control Panels* box to enable the Hosting Control Panels Add-on.
4. Click *Save* for your changes to take effect.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable hosting control panels in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}
In cases when the Hosting Control Panels feature is disabled, the Control Panels tab while [creating|ServerBackup:Create policies] or [editing|ServerBackup:Edit policies] policies is absent.
{info:title=Tip}You can enable or disable the control panel feature for the volume ("Limits" tab of Volume properties window). Read more in [ServerBackup:Create volumes].
The "Hosting Control Panels" feature is enabled *by default*. Follow the instructions below in cases when this feature was disabled.
Follow the instructions below to enable hosting control panels.
1. In the Main menu, click *Advanced Options*.
2. In the Advanced Options menu, click *Product Features*. Server Backup Manager displays the Product Features window as shown in the following image.
3. Check *Enable Hosting Control Panels* box to enable the Hosting Control Panels Add-on.
4. Click *Save* for your changes to take effect.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable hosting control panels in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}